Strand Lighting CD-80SV
The Strand Lighting CD-80SV was probably the most popular dimmer to come out of the CD-80 range.
Here are some common errors found on the CD-80SV Processor
This error tells you that the battery is low (less than 3.5VDC). If you do not also have error #06058, no information has been lost. Clear the message and leave the dimmer rack ON for at least 12 hours.
If you still receive this error, please contact the Monkey Wrench Service department. -
This message tells you that the data stored in the Non-Volatile RAM on the processor daughterboard has been corrupted. It will appear if the battery voltage drops below 2.2VDC, and data cannot be maintained. When the system is powered up, the memory is checked to make sure it has not changed. If it has, the system automatically resets all data to default values. You will need to reprogram the rack, including slot type information, if this message appears.
Please get in touch with the Monkey Wrench Service department if this message appears.